Just Human
Just Human
Just Human #259

Just Human #259

Chesebro's Fake Elector Scheme, Herridge Protects Her Source, George Santos Scammer

In this episode, documents from a civil case in Wisconsin reveal Kenneth Chesebro lied to investigators and, IMO, tried to set up Pence and Trump with the fake electors scheme.

We take a look at what’s going on with Catherine Herridge and the source she is continuing to protect despite a court’s order that she reveal them.

And there’s news related to the case against George Santos (or whatever his name is).


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Just Human
Just Human
A Human, weathering my intuitions. 
Texan by birth, Christian by Faith.
Member of @WeTheMedia
This is the audio version of my show. To watch the show, visit https://linktr.ee/just_human and select whichever streaming site you prefer.