Just Human
Just Human
Just Human #260

Just Human #260

Fani Fires Her Boyfriend, Understanding > Reacting, PRA Jury Briefs in Docs Case

In this episode, Fulton County DA Fani Willis’s case has been severely damaged, as has her credibility, as she has been ordered to either quit or fire her boyfriend, Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade. She chose to kick Wade to the curb.

The entire drama was great entertainment and a huge win for Trump and his co-defendants, yet media and influencers on both sides of the political spectrum chose to portray it to their audiences as a net win for Willis, and many in MAGA grabbed a bottle of black pills, even as Trump praised the development as the “equivalent of Deranged Jack Smith getting “canned””.

It is yet another teachable moment and an opportunity to bring out the Understanding > Reacting lesson.

Also, in the Classified Docs case, a recent hearing and orders indicate things are tilting Trump’s way.


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Just Human
Just Human
A Human, weathering my intuitions. 
Texan by birth, Christian by Faith.
Member of @WeTheMedia
This is the audio version of my show. To watch the show, visit https://linktr.ee/just_human and select whichever streaming site you prefer.