On Day Three of the Danchenko Trial, Dolan and Helson are on the Stand
And we learn a lot more about what the FBI was and was not doing with Crossfire Hurricane
During the first two days of the trial, FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten was on the stand. It was brutal for him, as both Special Counsel John H. Durham for the Prosecution and Mr. Danny Onorato for the Defense treated Auten as a hostile witness, and through him, put the FBI on trial.
On the third day, long time Democrat operative and Clinton Crony Chuck Dolan is on the stand first, followed by Danchenko’s handler, Special Agent Kevin Helson.
As the day progresses, we learn that BOTH are under investigation, that Danchenko was paid well and provided a lot of information while a CHS, that the FBI tried to turn Danchenko against Steele, and that there's circumstantial evidence that perhaps Danchenko really did get a phone call and really did plan a meeting with Millian in New York.
Read my full article over on Badlands Media.