Since you seem to be gathering a lot of info, I was wondering if you had seen the audio analyses done by Chris Mortenson at Peakprosperity.com. His analysis shows what appears to be at least 2 shooters in addition to the counter snipers shot. There are the first three shots, then five very rapid shots, which he indicates is hard to do while still maintaining any kind of aim. He can also demonstrate very different audio signatures from the first three and the next five shots and also different distances based on the sound signatures. Your article is the first mention I’ve seen of shots fired by a “local marksman”, so I was wondering if maybe that was the 5 shot burst; however, the Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner testified before Congress that he believes Crooks fired eight times because “eight casings have been recovered” which doesn’t appear to align with the audio data. The whole thing from the Keystone Cops SS routine to the obviously lax security to the FBI’s deafening silence all seems very odd.

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Audio analysis showing three different firearms being discharged fits with reporting from the first several days . I think it is safe to assume, at least for purposes of building hypotheses and theories, that we know the sources of those shots: Crooks, a countersniper who killed Crooks, and a "local marksman" who also at Crooks but did not deliver the kill shot. However, the details of those shots, the number of rounds from each gun and where that round ended up as well as where the shell casings landed, are somewhat unknown. Eventually we will get a report on who fired what, when, and where and that will provide clarity on this.

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I watched it and clearly there is a difference between shots 1-3 and 4-8, and 9th which is the sniper shot takedown of Crooks. The echo in 2 set of shots suggests fire from within building according to Chris M.

Also, a guy in a suit is seen and videoed on roof talking to the snipers as Crooks lay dead....this suit guy has gone dark. Chuck Grassley obtained the video. This is important to the timeline I believe.

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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

Thanks for this. Maybe send it to Cheatle and DHS?

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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

Brilliant work! I wish I had your talent! Thank you!

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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

Excellent work, Kyle! Thanks for putting this together

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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

Four issues that I think are worth a mention:

1. Obviously, the water tower.

2. The owners and stakeholders of the AGR

3. Crooks parents both being therapists.

4. Crook(s) and Cheat(le) > Crooks Cheat. Yup, just a mere coincidence.

Great article.

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Thanks for your exhaustive work.

Question. I have not seen any photos of anyone else who was reported wounded or killed in the crossfire. This strikes me as odd, given the situation, and I have wondered about it from day one. Am I missing something?

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I haven't seen pics of them, but I did see this yesterday.


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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

I was there- 40 yards from the podium. I saw another sniper in covered grandstands 250-300 yards behind us- was still there when myself and thousands walked out. You had to be looking for him to see him, but I was.

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So many anomalies/oddities that I noticed- even an hour before Trump got there.

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Great work on this!

Also, Folks, we must focus on what’s most important right now, which is the Deep State agenda: depopulation and reorganization of society. The rest is window dressing and distraction.

They want us to be talking about Biden and Kamala and how many shooters there were in Butler, and bird flu and Trump and on and on and on. The nonstop chaos serves to distract us, and meanwhile, the Great Reset moves along with steely precision.

Instead of being aghast by every contrived move of our enemies, let’s focus on the end game: depopulation and reorganization. Otherwise, we’re merely the squawking musicians on a sinking ship.

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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

Thank you for this slide show Kyle! It was very helpful and informative. I had not heard anything about the motorcycle cops. That seems really interesting.

Blessings brother.

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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

Excellent work! Thank you for all your hard work!

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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

Great work Kyle!

Wouldn't expect anything less.

LOVE hearing your outside-the-norm takes on various topics. Thanks for reading and going over court documents. I hate reading, get distracted by my thoughts.

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Jul 26Liked by Just Human

Thank you for this. I agree that Dr. Chris Martenson’s analysis should be included. The “Lone Gunman” narrative is bs.

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Jul 25Liked by Just Human

Excellent timeline. Keeping this handy for when my “normie” friends finally wake up.

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Jul 24Liked by Just Human

Incredible work! Thank you!

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I would certainly be sharing and downloading this article. The internet is already being scrubbed of many references to the assassination attempt and leftist mainstream media is covering it up or deleting it.

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Awesome scrapbook!!! QUESTION: In the picture from behind Trump and the building in the upper left hand corner.... if Trump turned his head to his right to look at the boards, how did the gunman hit his right ear? A bullet coming from his left would have hit his left ear. I thought the building (from the pics that I have seen) was on his right side.

ps... I've got 20k screen shots (from 2019 to present) to turn into a scrapbook one day. ugh.... Great job !!

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