splendid as always !! very nice blend of timeline, analysis, and your own thoughts and asides.

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As always love your work Kyle. but man I miss your Intro is like your Trade mark second to none ! gtsy Back

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Very good analysis. I’m still wondering though how could the US sign a deal that has already been signed with other partners and would be in direct contradiction with the promises made to them? I’d love to have your comments.

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I had the same thought -- how many 'deals' have been struck? It's like the way they divide 'shares' in oil wells - 1/4 to 1/16 to 1/32 of a share, and so on... How many times can Zelensky 'sell' those rare earth minerals? And whose 'sale' will stand in the end?

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Another great article Kyle!!

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Glad you’re back, appreciate your views.

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I read your substack but got a lot more out of it whilst listening to you going over it. I like your little side notes,

I have the same question as Irinna does...how would you trust someone who has made "deals" "promises" to 3 or 4 other countries and companies? DUh on my part, I would find it a tad bit questionable to thoroughly "trust" the deal.

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It is great to hear from you again. I forgot how much I enjoy your deep thinking. Glad to have you back, and looking to hear from you relatively soon.


Thanks Kyle.

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Very thought-provoking piece, Kyle. Thank you! What struck me hardest was the "lines on a map" discussion -- Hard to fathom that so much destruction results from imaginary lines drawn on imaginary pictures of very real territory where very real people live and die. That kind of thinking put the rest of this piece into a fuller context for me... Again, thank you. So glad you're back!

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Great article and summation.

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