Thank you so much for this article and thank you for the links that explain so much. Always love your deep dives into the actuals, Kyle. Keep 'em comin'.

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Thank you for reminding me of the background of the Ukrainian rare earth minerals and the multiple ‘quasi agreements’ made to the various entities previously. That brings Friday’s act into sharper focus as we know this is just one chess move - many likely to follow. I had forgotten that Zelensky was the one to bring this up. Also extremely interesting to me is the photo of Zelensky in a suit meeting with the evil Klaus Schwab. He was dressed like he was at an interview.🧐. Thank you!! God bless.🙏

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I find it some what ironic that as Eik was making that speech, the roots of the [DS] were growing deeper & stronger with great resolve, resource streams, and aims in strict conflict to the peace of which he speaks.

America's intel agencies were already corrupted, clandestinly moving, and infiltrating sovereign nations around the world to heel them to their visions of resource control and the slavery of the populous.

Here we are today in the war of wars to end those criminal organizations and end the endless. Senseless, to us for sure, but for them, it's survival.

This battle is in our hands and minds and that of the people's in soverign countries around the world. Victory is ours to chose, if we recognize [their] presence, means, methods, and motives, and we take an unwavering stand that rejects their efforts of manipulation, control, governance, and policies.

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A great History lesson as well as the lead up to the end result of NO signing! In live in NC and there was a lot of stories regarding minerals up in western part of NC. The mineral mining seems to be our way of supporting our future. Thanks for your meticulous overview of how and why the US is still in the game. My best Kyle :)

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Another great article Kyle! You painted a very clear picture, making this landscape easy to understand. I can almost hear your voice and calm demeanor when reading it..especially the line, "typically with Trump, the first deal he offers you is the best one you're going to get from him. Just sayin'."

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Great info kyle, I appreciate it. I felt like this meeting was very important, and then Zman looks like he's just come out of his bedroom where he's been eating oreos and watching TV.

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Ohhh and I love maps! Often, I do not know which ones to look at. Thank-you for your research!

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I also am thankful for your deep dive into this chessboard of moves. It is hard to keep things straight in my mind. Your clear and concise presentation and ordering of the facts is very helpful, especially the inclusion of news articles and maps.

Thanks, Kyle, for helping to sweep the wheat from the chaff.

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What disturbs me the most is the Trump administration's seeming unwillingness to forcefully and consistently remind US citizens about the 2014 "color revolution" organized by warmongers/deep staters in the Obama administration. It annoys me for them to allow the "poor Ukraine" propaganda to continue w/out reminding everyone why Russia came across the border in the first place.

President Trump and the administration are also silent about the trafficking, biolabs, the Ukrainian black market arms sales, the Nazi influence and control. There must be a reason for this very lowkey approach, but I can't seem to understand why.

Anyone have an analysis that makes sense? Please share because it bothers me constantly. Thanks.

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From what I've heard, MOST of the minerals, etc...that are to recover some costs', is in the areas that Russia has retaken, from Ukraine & are now supporting/defending. Quite interesting. Not sure what to make of that. Seems, the US & Russia, may strike a deal. Lol

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