JH - I was a struggling gray-piller until you explained the tactics of kayfabe along with templates and precedents. Once I understood these concepts my gray pillness turned white. Your work is so much needed and appreciated by not only me but thousands who are paying attention to this movie. Keep up the Good Work. Long time fan and supporter

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This comment makes my day. Thank you so much and may God bless you and yours, Stephen.

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I'm looking forward to hearing this read Kyle, thanks. Right now I'll be watching DPH on the YouTube channel. Check the chat there once in awhile so we don't get lonely, lol.

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Thank you for all the research you do and the reading of the court documents. I very much appreciate you helping me to understand.

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Nicely done, it’s a shame that Democrats and Republicans working alongside each other as traitors to push our country into a different direction ! To think that we are even witnessing this happening just makes your heart break! I do Thank God for Donald Trump and all that he himself is sacrificing for us , he and all that he has worked hard for in his life, to prevent these scumbags of destroying the integrity of the constitution and what it means to Americans or live in America! To watch as Democrats are using illegal immigration to re draw lines in states, or use use Marxist Jude’s to redefine our constitution , and most importantly to use the United States citizen themselves to help reimagine our history or the Creator himself, by passing policies or laws to change what it is Man or Woman,what it is to be a citizen or not, This attempt on Country has got to be the worst Treasonous Act by any Anti American group! They are attacking the constitution itself that binds this country together! God bless all who stand up for constitution and those who Trust in our process! It’s been rollercoaster of emotions but with God as our king and Trump leading us in our quest to save our country! It’s been brilliant to watch all that has unfolded up to this point! I pray for the families that lost a loved one or lost their lively hood! We will continue to fight until all responsible are held accountable! Thanks for reading!

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