Thanks Kyle! Especially for all your reading. A great service! I could listen while making meals, folding laundry, cleaning house, etc.

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btw: Eric Metaxas on Blaze Tv's show doesn't normally speak to current political issues.

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JH...Flynn says where the ...'meeting is addressed'.

(1) just remember that Durham was tasked with the 'origins' of Crossfire Hurricane...NOT Crossfire Razor (name of Flynn's?)

(2) Durham CAN'T call out Obama, can he. (3) Durham does 'mention' the meeting on pg 107. He actually names THAT EXACT ARTICLE you just read. I believe Flynn is saying that the whole Durham Report implicates Obama & others because they KNEW about the Clinton Plan since July 2016 and the Jan 5 2017 meeting was the 'ACTUAL' beginning of the persecution and 'destruction' of the Trump presidency. IMHO

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Great show! Thanks Kyle! I kinda puffed up when Flynn said you can read it in the Durham report because I read it through you! Maybe try




Sally Yates

Just a thought

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Pulling on my memory now, but I think I first learned abouth "THAT meeting" was in

Susan Rice's infamous cover-her-ass memo of last 10-minutes of the Obama administration before the noon inauguration of President Trump. As for Durham report, I read something yesterday about how there was a complete Part I to the Durham report that has not been made public and that what we saw is Part 2. I just came home from a medical procedure with anaesthesia, so my memory is drifty about who said that. I will let it float up and then track that down.

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Kyle...it is possible Flynn misspoke and meant the MUELLER Report?

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Don't think so.

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P.S. Sorry ...Durham references Mar 1 2017 article from the Times titled 'Obama Administration rushed to preserve intelligence of Russian Election hacking'

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