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Caught Defected. I understand what you were sharing with BB, but his heart hasn't been opened to the Truth yet (obvious point for prayer). I believe the wrong words were used by James Lindsay. Catharsis is the act of releasing. As a Christian, we are commanded to forgive as we have been forgiven. The consequences for unforgiveness was exactly what you described.

At the same time, the USA is a Constitutional Republic; we elect those who speak for us and mete out the punishment of the laws of our land. They need to do their jobs in order to deter future lawbreakers, but that doesn't bring catharsis to someone like me who lost two of my best friends and my husband to covid, lost my job with inflation, lost my health with the vaccine, and have watched so many people get walked on in the past two years.

For people like myself, forgiveness is and has to be my catharsis -- Jesus paid the whole price. Even the past 10 years of fighting, hate, and death.

Thanks JH. You're a Good Man!


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