Sep 25Liked by Just Human

Hahaha yes please Kyle, start a podcast! I enjoy your shows the most when you lots of asides. I learn more that way. Nothing better than an excited Human :)

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Okay so, Trumps team feels as if the large brief which has been approved by the judge, is going to happen, correct? But they have yet to file a disqualification motion that would need to be heard first before the prosecution can file the large “hearsay” brief?

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~ from NY Post: "The box also contained “ammunition, a metal pipe, miscellaneous building materials, tools, four phones” and multiple other letters." I wonder what the other letters said. What if there is a "I was successful letter"? or "I was killed trying to save the world" letter? PS hunting is not too strong a word. "The Most Dangerous Game" comes to mind. ~

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