Hello Kyle, I just recently joined the Substack family in order to see your work along with BB's, Chris Paul's and Badlands Media. Just wanted to thank you for all of your insights into things that are bigger than we all could have imagined. The programming you speak of is in EVERYTHING. That whole "once you see it, you cannot unsee it" is absolutely true. I am not sure how people function in the 'false reality'. That is a mystery...how can they not know? Easy I guess, I was there a little over 3 years ago and everything just snowballed into the person I am now. It is so crazy! Not sure if you have seen Close Encounters ? This movement, all of us who feel this way, it reminds me of all the folks in Close Encounters that were 'given' those images of Devils Tower, those who were drawn to Devils Tower. There were many, but they were a drop in the bucket of the total world population. One in a family or a town and the rest did not get 'touched'. That is how I feel with this whole 'awakening'. I am the only one in my family (youngest of 5 kids, 56 years old and the oldest is 71) that has any awareness that things are not right . Maybe some have an inkling, but no desire to search and find out and look for some kind of truth. Was frustrating at first, then I was angry (why can't they see?) then I was like, whatever, they get what they deserve and now I am in a place, not of peace, but ok, that's the way it is and I go about my life (I believe BB summed it up on Defected the other night perfectly, that is EXACTLY how I felt/feel). It's just so NUTS. Which is why it reminds me of Close Encounters. Well, that is enough for now. I know you guys are all swamped, so not sure when/if you will get to answering this message. Just know there are so many of us out here that are supported you all! I know you know that, especially with your live chats! Which is not my gig, I am not a group chatter that is for sure. Take care of you and your family (and your mustache, LOL, which is superb!!) I hope to meet everyone someday IRL. :)

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I love your work and I believe God has God has given you an instrumental insight to what is actually happening! You keep me grounded and I thank you for that! Keep up the good work and God bless!

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